Toilet Roll Holders

Did you know there is a right and wrong way to hang toilet paper? It just isn't good enough to hang the paper straight out of the toilet roll holder, at least not if you want your employees to be able to work smarter and harder. The most essential “roll” in your business may not be the kind you think. We don't mean wrapping paper or notebook paper (though we could talk about those and other types of rolls for a very long time). What we're talking about is the humble toilet paper roll. Its purpose is simple: to aid and abet on-site bathroom users as they, uh, perform their duties.


Given toilet paper usually comes in rolls, where do you hang your bathroom tissue? It is ‘under’, or is it ‘over? Or is it behind? The right way to hang that roll of toilet paper can seem confusing. It’s easy to grab a toilet roll from the wall without thinking about how you should hang it. However, there are a few simple recommendations to help get it as correct as possible.


Over or Under?


Toilet paper is an important business and household item, but did you know that the way you hang it can reveal a lot about you? Some people like to place the toilet paper under the roll while others prefer to put it over. Most people don't realize that installing toilet rolls is a science. In fact, there are even schools of thought that believe that one way is better than the other. Still, there are some rules which remain unchanged.


See, the question of whether you should hang or tuck has long been a source of contention among people from all over the world. Toilets and toilet paper have been destroyed due to this debate, friendships ruined, lives and careers ended. So we did some analysis and found out that there is a “correct” way to hang that roll. And it changes everything. 


Think the way you hang toilet paper is right? According to recent studies, the best way to put a roll of toilet paper on a toilet paper dispenser is "over," not "under." What's so great about over? Because under can leave your guests vulnerable to bacteria lurking inside public restrooms. These germs can then spread throughout the place and make people sick. Under is the wrong way to hang toilet paper - it increases the chance that food-poisoning bacteria will spread from the toilet to the rest of the workplace. The "under" method dramatically increases the proximity of people's faces to potential food-related pathogens from the bathroom. Not a good idea. Your toilet paper might be installed the wrong way. And it could be putting you and your family and employees at risk of getting ill.


Unlike under, over keeps food poisoning bugs out of reach. It's a well-known fact that hanging toilet paper the "over" way reduces the number of airborne microorganisms in a room by as much as 20 to 30 per cent, making your bathroom a healthier place.



Choose the Right Way


Adding toilet paper is a daily necessity to all restrooms. How you put the paper on can make a big difference in the bathroom's level of cleanliness and healthiness. When placing toilet tissue, start by putting the new roll in the empty dispenser. Grasp both ends of the tissue and pull one end out from under the other so that you have a single layer of toilet tissue. Place it into your dispenser. The toilet paper dispenser should only be filled about halfway for maximum effectiveness; adding more will make it difficult for people to pull just one sheet off at a time quickly.


Using the right way to install toilet paper is essential because it will remove bacteria from your fingers and is more hygienic as it reduces touching other surfaces. The right way to install a toilet roll is to hold the roll in one hand while unrolling with the other. This means that the dry, unused portion of your toilet paper should hang over the top of the roll or dispenser. This reduces contact with a dirty surface. Whether it's in your home or public restroom, it's an easy way to keep germs out of your toilet paper! Don't ever put the roll into the water, and then take it out as it can leave bacteria behind.


It's best to hang the toilet paper over the roll so that your fingers only touch what you need. This practice minimizes how much bacteria is deposited on the wall and ensures you peace of mind when touching something a stranger has just used.


When choosing to hang toilet paper, remember always to put it in the ‘over’ position. This allows you to see the tearing point easily and reduces waste. Hanging your toilet paper this way also means you’re using the best part of the roll, as that can be considered part of the manufacturer’s production cost. Most toilet paper is made with an ‘over’ hanging design, whether printed or not.


Experts have revealed that when the roll is placed on the dispenser in the 'over' position, the risk of touching dirty surfaces around it while reaching for that last sheet increases significantly. They say the best place for a roll is on the back of the bar, with the paper hanging below. That way, you avoid touching the wall around it to grab the paper and the related bacteria. The experts are right - make sure your toilet roll is installed correctly! Save yourself the stress of trying to catch that last piece of toilet paper and a potential bout of food poisoning in the process - hang your toilet roll correctly.


Food for thought. Just keep in mind that restrooms are hotbeds of disease and the last place you probably want to encounter a nasty case of food poisoning. To keep yourself and your family safe, use the right way to install toilet rolls! After all, someone's gotta clean that stuff up, and we'd instead it wasn't us.